UX/UI, startup, vehicle, b2c, mobile, branding
StarLinX is a Driver to Vehicle personal relationship enabler - It allows the driver to collect any data about his vehicle, control the vehicle remotely and track driving activities and behavior.
Our work
StarLinX is made by ERM, a technology company in the automotive market.
They build a microchip that is installed into vehicles, which can collect a lot of data and also enables many management features of the vehicle.
One of the main challenges in this project was to cherry-pick what kind of data points and features we want to expose in the MVP app - that will make the most impact in the market. This, of course, without making the app too complex to build or understand by users.
Defining the flows
After selecting the main features we want to expose in the app, we conducted users-research in order to better understand the different personas of StarLinX app. Then we built a complete flowchart to example our ideas and review them with the customer.
The main screen
The main screen of the app was optimized for locking/unlocking the vehicle. Therefore this was chosen to be the first prominent action on this page. Below this main action, we added several tiles of information, ordered by relevance (most-used). For example - the first tile shows the vehicle parking location.
User testing
Once we had rich-enough wireframes built from the flowcharts, we did some user testing to see if the different flows and actions are clear. For that, we made the wireframes interactive (using InVision), so we could verify our UX assumptions before starting implementation.

Visual Design